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Vendor: Poster XXL
Print Size: 9" x 12"
Best Pricing:
Best Price: $2.49 ea.

Other Print Sizes Available: 9" - 12" to 40" - 120"
Paper Surfaces Available: Canvas and Semi-Matte
Free Poster Print: Available - Click here
Photo-based Gifts: Not available
Overall Rating for Poster XXL is 3.8 out of 5
--  Overall Rating

Ordering Process
Quality of Prints
Shipping Costs
Turn Around Time
Other Services


Poster XXL is a good online digital poster printing service for larger size prints - especially posters. They offer a fast turn-around time and a poster prints of sizes as big as 40 x 120 inches. However, the flat shipping charges was a turn-off to us.

Upload your photo and get your FREE poster!
Ease of Use - Ordering Process:
Poster XXL offers a step-by-step process on their website - that walks you through uploading your photo and ordering your XXL size print; with several other choices that you can select. However, sometimes a user can test to get lost on their website. So you'll need to pay attention to what you're doing while using this service.

Quality of Prints:
When we tried Sharpcast - they charged us a flat fee of $7.99 towards packaging and handling costs. This is a bit expensive when compared to other online photo printing services. Our free print arrived in a single, reinforced packet.

Close-up Photos: A slight difference in tone and some cropping was noticeable in the prints that we received. We did like that the facial colors were very close to the original digital photo. The higher the resolution of your photo - better the quality of the XXL print!

Scenic & Background Photos: We liked the crisp details and vibrant colors these distant photo prints offered. However, we noticed that the overall print had a different tone and that our original photo was cropped.

Poster XXL has relatively expensive per-print prices as compared to other services. Especially when it comes to print sizes of 36 x 48 inches and above - it's definitely expensive.

Shipping Costs:
Poster XXL charged a flat fee of $7.99 to ship us one free - 12 x 16 inch print, when the actual postage for a First class mail by USPS was $.83. This means $7.16 went toward their packaging and handling costs. This difference is a bit expensive when compared to other online photo printing services. Our free print arrived in a single, reinforced packet.

Turn Around Time:
For each service provider that we reviewed; we gave them one to four days to ship us our finished prints in order to receive a high score in this category. Poster XXL positively met our requirements.

Other Services:
Poster XXL is all about printing your photos on big-size posters and canvas. But apart from that - they don't offer any additional services.

Also, Poster XXL offers free shipping for orders above $100.

Poster XXL has a decent website and is nicely organized. With their fast processing times, you can take advantage of their services and expect a prompt delivery. However, their higher shipping costs and lack of other custom/gifting services were turn-off's for us.

Click Here To Order Digital Poster Prints From Poster XXL

A complete list of features and a side-by-side comparison on every digital photo printing and sharing service provider is available on the PrintMyPics Compare Services Page.